Expectation gallery

Irina S.

I was waiting for my lucky day
At eighteen, when spring,
Dissolved in gardens lilac,
And the shower did not give sleep…
I was sad and everyone was waiting for,
Well, when my day comes.
Here is and bride already has passed…
And strengthened on the lakes the ice…
I was waiting for my lucky day.
Could not understand,
Why others are not lazy
All today with morning to change…
Because the weather is not the same.
And wonders according to the forecast there.
Sleep which I dream,
I was waiting for my lucky day…
Turmoil, deeds, family…
Ahead of prom kids…
I look in a mirror I – not I…
Where is the girl that is in me,
He loved the radiance of the stars,
Smiled at its spring???
Without answer froze question…
Day happy now, do not wait…
Sorry that I had not realized…
No, it is not necessary from the heavens a star,
To feel, that lived…
And disappeared out of the heart shadow…
The world is filled with love.
Here it is, my lucky day –
He today, now and here!

Photographer gallery Music Art Draughtsman