Group gallery

Irina S.

Good people are like warm sun,
That is, the clouds parted, out of the darkness…
When the whole world laughs at your failure,
They will warm you with a kind word in the middle of winter.
Good people are not immediately noticeable usually...
Do not climb in eyes, as his bangs girls.
But at a difficult moment they are not indifferent...
They must have a kind and sad look…
Good people are naive and sentimental.
In their hearts, the love drowns out the nagging mind…
Abuser evil, they forget instantly.
It is difficult for them to believe in insincerity of feelings and deception.
Good people friends often mistaken,
Not seeing them not being friends, using them…
Acutely feel the pain and the harmony of happiness…
And I know there are a lot of accidents, but nothing bad.
You can not always in their rays of the sun to warm up,
After all need to, meeting good, become kinder!
Good people always smile with their hearts.,
And see in the gloomy passers – by- good people

Photographer gallery Music Art Draughtsman