Simplicity gallery

Natalia B.

Simplicity is the great fruit of the spirit.
This is not a void.
But the work of the Holy spirit is enormous -
That was so: "no-no, Yes-Yes".
Simplicity-souls liberation,
Honesty and naturalness inside.
Faith is like trust! Belief,
That God is holding me in his arms.
Simplicity, the reality is obvious
By how a person lives -
Distributes just, harmless
And while the national anthem in song?
Simplicity is freedom, not slavery
Envy, habits and anxiety,
Fear, greed, deceit ...
The path to freedom - with God, the dialogue!
The search for the Kingdom of God is the remedy,
A way to achieve simplicity!
The path to Heavenly inheritance,
Seeking God's purity!

Photographer gallery Music Art Draughtsman