Style gallery

Galina B.

Yes, verse male from female is different:
More specifically, the meaning of the word sighting.
About social more, not about personal -
That's how a man's head works.
And, despite the ease of explanation,
On artistry of poetry of creators,
All are, will not fail in the interweaving words
Screw in the heat of the popular word.
The sweet-haired world will not be filled -
Earth's yudol is too strict.
Only because a hedgehog, 90s, itches
A man's poetic line.
The passion darkened it serdechnoy,
That will flash with careless pleasure,
That from her melancholy blows forever,
Ile hops stagnant suddenly reeks.
All, that write, for example will be counted,
But if a syllable of their sharp-tongued,
That rudeness is just courage.,
Excess - just too much!
But the verse of male and in the root, and the Bud
Great and right, in addition to the deficiencies:
In it, as if in a brief formula, poets
All questions are answered.

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