Passion Model

Dossey Rosso

Night. Silence and the extinguished city.
Come on, I'm starving to you.
As I love, and as hate,
A time when you did not see.
Night. Silence and the extinguished city.
Here, at last, found an occasion to meet.
And your lovely dress again.
Moves to the corner of the bed.
Intertwined hot fingers.
Incessantly we're sinking in the arms.
Merge with me, like a river to the ocean.
Plug-Maxam their antipathy.
We after all with you, as a single entity,
Our bodies are bound again.
You're like metal: white hot.
Nothing can cool you down.
Can't describe the feeling of the beautiful.
And your lips are blood red.
Can't describe those feelings of heaven.
And this connection between us is close.
All the passions, the impulses in me accumulated,
All that love in me, preserved.
Let me throw all this on you.
I'll push all the negativity out of you.
You're like a goddess: so of heaven.
Beautiful, smart, gentle, daring.
I love you every cell of the body.
You're nailing my heart.
We'll be hiding in the heat of passion.,
Giving each other bits of happiness...

Photographer Model Music Art Draughtsman