Loyal Friend Photographer

Sergey E.

Give, Jim, fortunately paw me,
This paw have I seen srodu.
Let's bark under the moon with you
On a quiet, noiseless weather.
Give, Jim, fortunately a paw to me.
Please, honey, don't lick it.
Understand with me the simplest thing.
You don't know what life is.,
You don't know what life is worth.
Your master is both sweet and famous,
And he has many guests in the house,
And everyone smiles and strives
You on wool velvet touch.
You are devilishly handsome in dogs,
With such a sweet, trusting friend.
And without asking anyone a drop,
Like a drunk friend, you're a good kisser.
My dear Jim, among your guests
There were so many things that weren't good.
But that which is all silent and sad,
Did you happen to come here all of a sudden?
She's coming, I'll bail you.
And without me, in her staring gaze,
You for me lick it affectionately call hand
For all that was and was not to blame.

Photographer photographer Music Art Draughtsman